NYS Board of Regents Considers Amending Interscholastic Athletic Rules to Provide Gender-Neutral Opportunities

The New York State Education Department perceives inequality and a lack of inclusivity regarding interscholastic athletic participation within New York State. To address this perception, NYSED is promoting changes to its rules governing Mixed Competition, Extra Class Activities and the Athletic Placement Process (Sections 135.1, 135.4 and 135.5).

The proposed amendments will bring changes to the following athletic participation topics:

  • Health Examinations
  • Requirements for Participation
  • Equal Opportunity to Participate in Extra Class Activities
  • Tanner Scale Evaluation and Risk

Currently, the state is in a 60-day open comment period regarding these amendments. Any teachers, parents, students, and community leaders who would like to comment on these changes are asked to contact their area Regent. For school districts in Onondaga County, that Regent is Patrick Mannion. He can be reached at Regent.Mannion@nysed.gov.

Once the 60-day open comment period ends, the changes recommended by NYSED will be presented to the Board of Regents for a vote on September 25, 2024.